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Female Focused Fishing - Not Just a Net Girl

Article Rachel Criner & Pam Horne


Are you a female that is interested in fishing?  Do you have children in your life that you want to take fishing, but just don't know where to start? Would you like to learn the basics of fishing or maybe just visit with other female anglers? Are you interested in tournament fishing, but want to be more than just a net girl?

Female Focused Fishing is an up-and-coming group/community dedicated and "focused" on those that are NOT 'Just a Net Girl'. We are looking for individuals that want to learn, expand their knowledge and discover the possibilities of being a female angler.

Let's face it, it's not easy for females to jump into the fishing industry. We are not looking for hand-outs or sympathy here. We are here to talk about what opportunities we have, how can we expand on those opportunities, and how we can jump behind that steering wheel, punch that hot foot and go fishing!


We say it, see it, live it and teach it every day......'Girl Power'; BUT do we really believe in it? We are always stronger, smarter and way more capable than we think. And while we may be encouraging other women to try and experience something new, we secretly are lacking the confidence to do it ourselves. This is what this group is going to focus, grow and build on --- Female Confidence - YOU can do it!

We see so many females fishing with their significant others, fishing as co-anglers, and sometimes, just opting out all together to go fishing. Why? Because there is not a "focus "on the abilities of what females can actually do in this industry. Through this group, we hope to encourage some females to jump feet first and just start DOING IT! We will be discussing everything from knot tying, bank fishing, the difference in baits, reels, backing up the boat and trailer, safety, and proper license. We will even discuss how to obtain monetary security to chase a passion that just might change your life or the life of someone you love!

Please understand that this is not some female pity party or movement, we are serious minded women who love the sport of fishing. We are not bikini clad, shorty short wearing women, looking to increase our social media following. We get hot, sweaty, dirty, and WE DON'T care, we just want to fish and we want to educate others on how they can be "more than a net girl"!

We invite any female who is interested to join our page on Facebook, Female Focused Fishing. The page is intended for females only, but men are allowed. At the end of August we will host a meet and greet. Location will be announced. Pam Horne and I will be doing a Facebook live in a couple weeks, we will also be scheduling times and topics for another meet and greet in Arkansas and Oklahoma.  We would love to hear from you as to what topics you would be interested in. The facebook page is there for you to share your thoughts, ask questions freely, with no judgment, and be a safe space to learn.  We are excited for this adventure and can't wait to share it with all you fabulous ladies!

That being said.... Welcome to Female Focused Fishing! Let get to it! 

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